Thursday, March 31, 2011


HELLOs to all of ye, I just had a ridiculously long dream =O

I was floating in a room filled with foam balls. I saw there was a super small window at the side of me and I traveled towards it. There were balls bouncing off me, but the balls were soft and I was not focusing on the light pokes, i was extremely curious to see what was outside of this room. as i came closer i started to see what was outside. It was dark and there were small bright dots in the distance. I was in space. Then, a man alike a character in a video game grabbed me and threatened to kill me with a knife. I used my magical electricity powers to zap him into dust. I shot through him and pierced through the wall in the room. the vacuum sucked me out of the room and i was floating through space. A hologram popped infront of me and said I had to dolphin dive into the earth. Gravity suddenly appeared to come back, and i was standing on an invisible surface. I sprinted towards the Earth and dived at it. falling quickly, the impact was increasing, and i was catching flame. But, i was heading straight for water and i was sure that i would dive into the ocean safely. then i was turning towards my house, so i slowed down and landed slowly. the flames disappeared. I decided to sing, and i did so. I woke up


  1. Wow! Your dream sure went fast! I really liked that you didn't have to just dive into earth, but Dolphin dive. Very specific, are you perhaps having dolphin troubles?

  2. Crazy dream!! Do you always have such crazy dreams or is this one an exception? O.o
