Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dream Number 3

Hello everyone my name is not seananners and here is the dream I had most recently.

I was being chased down a long hallway. The lights flickered as I tackled through the locked doors blocking my way. I tripped and fell flat on my face breaking my nose. In my despair I watched what seemed to be a dark blue blood run out of my nostrils. It was restricting air being taken in through my nose. It turned out i was no longer being chased and I was actually on the ground in my elementary school. I was surrounded by small laughing children and the floor beneath me started to fall. I was still in the same position, floating above the ground that had sunken into the earth. I realized that i had the power to teleport wherever I wanted. So, I escaped the embarrassing situation and was with all my friends from the swim team I am part of. I woke up briefly after realizing i was dreaming.

Dreams are very interesting and for me to be aware of what was happening is a good sign. I am training myself to lucid dream, which is knowing you are dreaming while dreaming. Unfortunately, MY BRAIN TRICKED ME. I was actually still dreaming, but, I was dreaming that I was in the morning of the next day, and I literally woke up right after.


  1. Whoa dream inside a dream, i don't think i've had one of those in a while, trippy good sir, trippy.

  2. Have you seen inception? Inception is a great movie, about Dreams, within Dreams, within Dreams! That dream seems really embarassing, didn't wake up in shock from breaking your nose though?

  3. Yay Inception! At least you escaped that embarrassing situation! It could have been worse, you may have run around screaming while the children laughed.
