Friday, March 18, 2011


I am made of cake! No just kidding, unfortunately I am not, TO DREAMLAND!!!!!

UH OH, I havent had a dream in a while, what should I do?!!??! I KNOW LETS TALK ABOUT LUCID DREAMS!!!!!

What is a lucid dream?
As posted in my last article, a lucid dream is when you are in dreamland but, you become aware of yourself dreaming, which opens many different opportunities. While lucid dreaming you are able to basically let your imagination run wild. You have complete control of your dream until you wake up. Unless, your subconscious mind tricks you, then you've lost the game. In my lucid dreams, I was fooled into believing that I have woken up. Avoiding situations like this in a lucid dream is very tricky, and it takes a long time to train your mind so that you can notice any strange things inside your dreams all the time.

Your mind is a lot smarter than you, and will try and sabotage anything you do when you awaken it while it is resting. Teaching yourself to become more aware of what is going on around you is something that is needed for teaching yourself how to lucid dream all the time. Constantly do reality checks. If it becomes a habit, you will most likely do it inside of your dream.

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