Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dream 2

Hello everybody!, today I will talk about my most recent dream that was very strange.

I was at a swimming pool, and a friend of mine was trying to communicate with me using a language I did not understand. She was angry at me for not responding in the same language, and I was also bothered because I was eager to know what trying to be said. I left right away, and was walking along the side of an unfamiliar road. I was starting to freeze and a car was driving at full speed towards me. A duck saved me before i was hit, and threw a pear at me which oddly enough melted the ice that trapped me. He told me if I wanted to leave I would have to pay him with thirty dumplings. I didn't have any dumplings, I offered to pay him in lemons, but he did not except. I woke up.

The ending of this dream puzzled me. I do not know what it means. Is there something i need to do that requires me to go get something else? Possibly, I can not recall anything though. For my friend to be in the dream and me not being able to hear everything she has to say, may mean that something including her may be puzzling me. i do not know why i was incapable of moving, this does confuse me because i did have a slightly similar experience in the previous dream. Ive been craving asian food lately so that why the dumplings are probably there.

1 comment:

  1. Strange dream :P Particularly the duck and the ice. Is it possible that you maybe feel trapped and unable to escape until someone (the duck!) rescues you? Also, now I'm craving dumplings!
