Thursday, February 24, 2011


HELLO! I call myself Nicolaas Dekker, I enjoy talking about things that have occurred in my daily life. The main thing I will be talking about are dreams I have had that have really struck my thoughts on what they may mean.

Today, I will talk about my dreams that I have been having recently. I do have extremely strange dreams. I could dream about anything, and the dreams I usually do have can be extremely strange. they are filled with impossible things. I will dream about robot whales shooting laser beams from their mouth, or I will be flying across the pacific ocean, but I will turn out to be underwater looking at the surface. This is my most recent dream:

I was inside of a cardboard box, the box was being shipped to my house. I felt the shrill air pass through the cracks on the side of the box. The box was old, and the sides were rotting away. I knew that it was time to jump out of the box and explore the world. I did not expect what came before me after leaping out of the box, a group of tall Caucasian men wearing tuxedos surrounded me. I was scared, the beating in my chest doubled the speed it was originally at. three of the four pointed at me, the last just had an angry stare on his face. I knew that there was going to be trouble, so a ran. They started to chase after me. The amount of color radiating from the sky was growing. Then, an apple fell before me, and took a bite. My skin was tingling, looking at my hands I saw that they were turning to dust. Falling to the ground, my vision was blurry and a whale with arms and legs was laughing at me. I awoke.

A very short dream, but what is going on in my subconscious that caused all these things to happen. Lets list all the small things in the dream. There was, a shrill wind, i was encased in a box that was being shipped to my house, there were the intimidating tuxedo people, the poisonous apple, me turning to dust, and the whale. The wind shows me that something is quietly passing by me, but the cold is still very well noticed. The box made me claustrophobic, it may show there is too much pressuring me to do things and it was going home so the stress that I may be experiencing may originate from my house. The intimidating tuxedo people, i think that somebody in my swimming career, who is taller than me, is intimidating me and this is forcing me to become a coward and run away from doing things. The poisonous apple may show that I am thinking I am being back-stabbed by something or someone, which could be a problem. me turning to dust could again mean that i am dieing because of something at the back of my head that is telling me that i am being betrayed. The whale laughing at me, it could mean that I am seeing people are making fun of me and looking at me stupid for the previous mistake i made, which was eating the apple.


  1. Very crazy dreams. Really descriptive, and I wish I could dream as vividly as you. If that's a short dream for you that's impressive, that matches some of the longest dreams I've had in a long time. You should try learning to Lucid dream, because apparently that's a lot of fun, and this blog could double as a dream journal. The way you describe your dreams is really surreal, and it's going to be interesting see where you go in your further adventures

  2. Wow a 2 paragraph dream? Good work.

  3. Very interesting! a good read.

  4. I really enjoyed your dream. I have also been known to have outrageous dreams. Furthermore, I really liked the narrative that was involved as you described your dream, particularly the "shrill air", which actually gave me shivers. And the fact that you not only described your dreams but analyzed the meaning was quite impressive. Maybe you could share if anything in the dream was true.

  5. So cool!
    It's interesting how you can dream about anything xD

  6. these dreams are cool, I cant wait fore some more crazy dreams!
