Thursday, March 31, 2011


HELLOs to all of ye, I just had a ridiculously long dream =O

I was floating in a room filled with foam balls. I saw there was a super small window at the side of me and I traveled towards it. There were balls bouncing off me, but the balls were soft and I was not focusing on the light pokes, i was extremely curious to see what was outside of this room. as i came closer i started to see what was outside. It was dark and there were small bright dots in the distance. I was in space. Then, a man alike a character in a video game grabbed me and threatened to kill me with a knife. I used my magical electricity powers to zap him into dust. I shot through him and pierced through the wall in the room. the vacuum sucked me out of the room and i was floating through space. A hologram popped infront of me and said I had to dolphin dive into the earth. Gravity suddenly appeared to come back, and i was standing on an invisible surface. I sprinted towards the Earth and dived at it. falling quickly, the impact was increasing, and i was catching flame. But, i was heading straight for water and i was sure that i would dive into the ocean safely. then i was turning towards my house, so i slowed down and landed slowly. the flames disappeared. I decided to sing, and i did so. I woke up

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I ran across the frozen pacific ocean, really fast. I made it from vancouver to china in 30 seconds. I tried to slow down but I tripped and slid across an icy floor. I was in the assumption that there was an ice age, and I was the only person alive on the planet. But then, I came across a friend who was hopping around with ease. I told her to stop because I was worried she would slip and hurt herself, but she ignored me and was screaming"i'm a bunny hop hop hop." I was discovered by The League of Super Popsicle Warriors. they stood 12 feet tall, and their intimidating faces made me freeze in fear. Then I woke up

Monday, March 28, 2011


HEllo there internet here is an awesome dream for all yee

I was riding a robot dinosaur, it was a giant prototype that the germans made in the 1900's. I told it to shoot the aliens chasing me with his laser eyes, but he flew away instead, in the clouds i decided to jump off of him and skydive, but then while falling off, my clothing caught on fire. there was a floating head in the sky falling beside me and said "there will be a bunny at the end of the ocean you have to flick the lightswitch!!!". Then I woke up

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream #4


I was in a giant tree fort, made of concrete, the concrete was very strong, but it had not hardened yet so you had to walk in slow motion or fly over it if you wanted to go anywhere. I was talking to someone i did not like, he insulted me, and i pushed him to the ground. he was sucked into the concrete, and people were shouting at me. they said that he was a chosen warrior, and he was the only one who could talk to their enemies and hopefully bring an friendship to their societies. The teleported me to a gray box with a portal in the wall. The portal led to a giant sundae where giant sand people lived. then I woke up

Friday, March 18, 2011


I am made of cake! No just kidding, unfortunately I am not, TO DREAMLAND!!!!!

UH OH, I havent had a dream in a while, what should I do?!!??! I KNOW LETS TALK ABOUT LUCID DREAMS!!!!!

What is a lucid dream?
As posted in my last article, a lucid dream is when you are in dreamland but, you become aware of yourself dreaming, which opens many different opportunities. While lucid dreaming you are able to basically let your imagination run wild. You have complete control of your dream until you wake up. Unless, your subconscious mind tricks you, then you've lost the game. In my lucid dreams, I was fooled into believing that I have woken up. Avoiding situations like this in a lucid dream is very tricky, and it takes a long time to train your mind so that you can notice any strange things inside your dreams all the time.

Your mind is a lot smarter than you, and will try and sabotage anything you do when you awaken it while it is resting. Teaching yourself to become more aware of what is going on around you is something that is needed for teaching yourself how to lucid dream all the time. Constantly do reality checks. If it becomes a habit, you will most likely do it inside of your dream.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dream Number 3

Hello everyone my name is not seananners and here is the dream I had most recently.

I was being chased down a long hallway. The lights flickered as I tackled through the locked doors blocking my way. I tripped and fell flat on my face breaking my nose. In my despair I watched what seemed to be a dark blue blood run out of my nostrils. It was restricting air being taken in through my nose. It turned out i was no longer being chased and I was actually on the ground in my elementary school. I was surrounded by small laughing children and the floor beneath me started to fall. I was still in the same position, floating above the ground that had sunken into the earth. I realized that i had the power to teleport wherever I wanted. So, I escaped the embarrassing situation and was with all my friends from the swim team I am part of. I woke up briefly after realizing i was dreaming.

Dreams are very interesting and for me to be aware of what was happening is a good sign. I am training myself to lucid dream, which is knowing you are dreaming while dreaming. Unfortunately, MY BRAIN TRICKED ME. I was actually still dreaming, but, I was dreaming that I was in the morning of the next day, and I literally woke up right after.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dream 2

Hello everybody!, today I will talk about my most recent dream that was very strange.

I was at a swimming pool, and a friend of mine was trying to communicate with me using a language I did not understand. She was angry at me for not responding in the same language, and I was also bothered because I was eager to know what trying to be said. I left right away, and was walking along the side of an unfamiliar road. I was starting to freeze and a car was driving at full speed towards me. A duck saved me before i was hit, and threw a pear at me which oddly enough melted the ice that trapped me. He told me if I wanted to leave I would have to pay him with thirty dumplings. I didn't have any dumplings, I offered to pay him in lemons, but he did not except. I woke up.

The ending of this dream puzzled me. I do not know what it means. Is there something i need to do that requires me to go get something else? Possibly, I can not recall anything though. For my friend to be in the dream and me not being able to hear everything she has to say, may mean that something including her may be puzzling me. i do not know why i was incapable of moving, this does confuse me because i did have a slightly similar experience in the previous dream. Ive been craving asian food lately so that why the dumplings are probably there.